Haiti - International Artisan Workshops

Haiti Consultancy:

As a consultant to small producers, cooperatives, and micro-enterprises in Haiti, I found ways to enhance the designs and techniques of traditional craftwork. It was amazing to be a part of such unique training modules to assist in design and technical skills.

Sisal Coppicing & Craft - Cote de fer, Haiti

Sisal plants are cut, de-corded, dried, dyed, corded, and woven into handbags and baskets using various stitching, crochet, and twining techniques.

Palm & Vine Weaving Baskets - La Vallee, Haiti

Palm and Vine: cutting, scraping, and weaving baskets.

Palm Plaiting Workshop - Marc Lassure, Haiti

Palm is harvested, dried, stripped, and woven. Diagonal plait weaving into panels that are stitched together into a basket vessel.

Bamboo Coppicing & Craft - Marmelade, Haiti

Bamboo is cut, scraped, split, thinned, & gauged into baskets.