My own passion for using natural materials, which can be farmed locally, was inspired by my human interests to work with and support agricultural artisans in Haiti, Jamaica, and India. Learning to use one’s hands, as well as using simple tools, to work with what grows locally is a very compelling and satisfying way of life. If only our economic models, value proposition, and buying habits would embrace the values of truly made and grown products.
My current work has been based in Ohio where I have planted and established a coppicing field of willows primarily for basket making and living willow structures.
I studied last year in Germany at the school in Lichtenfels and with master basket weavers to train my hands-on traditional techniques of making willow baskets and to get a feeling of how to work with willow materials.
My goal is to establish an outpost, learning center, and working farm in our very rural and economically challenged region of southern Appalachia Ohio to promote and develop the skills of growing, processing, and making products based on the sustainable methods of coppicing crafts.